Welcome to my Blog

Looking for hot off the press calmness tips and tricks, and behind-the-scenes of my hectic but wonderful life? Look no further! Everything you need is here on my blog.


the latest:

I will never blame you for your dog’s behaviour because it’s NOT your fault. So much pressure and guilt are put on dog owners and we get blamed for everything our dog does. So, when you have a reactive dog, it’s non-stop blame and evil eyes. ???? I want you to know it’s NOT your […]


Self Care

From dog walker to dog trainer for stressed and reactive dogs

This is the story about me… Many of you might remember me as the dog walker and petsitter who lived in Edinburgh, Scotland a few years ago, or maybe as the dog mum to a big lovable Rottweiler called Stella. Or maybe you don’t know me at all…but let’s change that why don’t we! ???? […]


Client stories

Allan/Cosmo – A Sheltie close to my heart

A story about a Shetland Sheepdog I worked with for over 1.5 years who is very close to my heart. _____ “Now I have a great toolbox to bring with me to manage Cosmo’s stress and reactivity.” ____ This story has taken a long time to write because I still get emotional thinking about Allan/Cosmo’s […]


Client stories

Thule – A really cool dog

Thule and his amazing owner started working with me a few months ago and his biggest problem was relaxing. He had a hard time relaxing when a lot was happening around him. This is why I get especially happy when I get this fantastic video of the world’s coolest dog in a really difficult environment. […]


Client stories

Noah – A nervous Sheltie

When Noah’s mum contacted me at the beginning of 2021, she described Noah like this: “He lunges at dogs on the walk. He is also close to bark in other situations, and gets stressed easily. It’s hard to watch because I see that he is very tense and stressed quite often on walks and I […]


Client stories

Feedback from Nino

Nino found it extremely difficult to relax and froze as soon as he saw a person on the walk, but has changed completely since then. Here is his story. “we constantly had a bad conscience that it was often our fault but now we have gained so many tools and understanding for him in his […]


Client stories

Pepper – From stressed to calm on walks

Pepper went from barky and insecure to confident and quiet on the walks. Pepper, a small mixed breed who was re-homed at an early age came to his new wonderful family when he was four months old, after living with four different families. Pretty early on, Pepper started lunging and barking at other dogs on […]


Dog Behaviour

Why You Should Throw Out Your Dog’s Food Bowl

Every day you give away one or two food bowls full of food… absolutely free! Food your dog would love to work for. Skipping the bowl and instead using the food for training and mental enrichment makes your dog happy, fit and tired. Integrated training every day If you go to a zoo around lunchtime, […]


More about me

My mission in life is to empower dog mums with the right tools and knowledge so the can take their dogs from stressed and barking to calm and confident. With my unique method I will help you understand your dog better so you never have to feel frustrated or confused ever again.

If your dog's behaviour is driving you crazy,  you are in the right place! Let's get started!

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Wished you had started your training like yesterday?
I’ve created a range of courses that will get you started on that journey from stressful to stress-free TODAY. With easy access in my brand-new app you can do training on the go. Learn and have fun with your dog at the same time!

Online Courses

Start your training today!

I will never blame you for your dog’s behaviour because it's NOT your fault. So what it the reason for your dog's problems? Here's my theory!


Did you know that 90% of the calming hormone serotonin is produced in the digestive tract? Here are my 3 top tips for a happy gut!

TOP blog post


Trim claws and brush with ease - online course

I’ve put together a comprehensive course for dog mums like you. In this course you get all my tips and tricks to help you transform your handling from horrible to happy.
