Mindset & Inspiration

Your Dog is Never Too Old to Change: How to Shift Your Mindset


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Have you ever thought that your dog is too old, too young, had a bad start in life, is the wrong breed, or some other reason for why they can’t change? I know I have!

Looking at Bruce today, a happy 9-year-old, it’s easy to think he’s too old to learn anything. But he surprises me with his willingness to do new things and to be flexible and open to learning. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, but after you have read this blog post, you will feel inspired to change and try something new. You will understand that some of the things you tell yourself are not helping your progress, and know how to shift that mindset when those negative thoughts come up.

Identifying the Limiting Beliefs

We all have that little voice in our heads that whispers doubts. “My dog is too old,” “He’s just too set in his ways,” or “She was a rescue, so she’s always going to be reactive.” These thoughts are more than just fleeting doubts—they are barriers we put up to protect ourselves from the fear of failure. Psychologists call this self-handicapping, where we create obstacles in our minds to shield ourselves from the possibility of not succeeding.

When we allow these beliefs to dictate our actions, they become self-fulfilling prophecies. If we believe our dog is too old to change, we’re less likely to engage in training activities, thus reinforcing the belief. But the truth is, dogs of all ages and backgrounds are capable of learning and adapting. Science supports this: older dogs may take a bit longer to pick up new tricks, but they are far from incapable.

Shifting Your Narrative

Once you’ve identified the limiting beliefs, it’s time to replace them with more empowering thoughts. Instead of saying, “My dog is too old,” try shifting to, “My dog is still young at heart and eager to learn.” This kind of positive self-talk is not just fluff—it’s rooted in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which has been proven to help people reframe negative thoughts and create new, more productive behaviours.

The power of language cannot be overstated. By changing the way we talk to ourselves, we change our approach to challenges. Reframing your thoughts about your dog can open up new possibilities for growth, both for you and your canine companion.

Practising Positive Reinforcement—For Yourself

Changing your mindset isn’t a one-time event—it’s a practice. Just like training your dog, you need to practice catching those negative thoughts and replacing them with your new, positive mantras. Over time, this becomes second nature.

One way to reinforce this is through journaling. Each time you catch yourself thinking, “My dog can’t change,” write it down. Then, consciously replace it with your new thought, “Why not? My dog can absolutely change!” Writing these down helps to solidify the shift in your mindset and gives you a tangible record of your progress.

If you don’t have paper handy, just stop your negative thinking by instead thinking, “stop! This is not right. My dog can definitely still change.”


Mindset is everything when you want to change anything in your life. By identifying and shifting the limiting beliefs you hold about your dog, you can open up a world of new possibilities for both of you. Remember, your dog is never too old, too young, or too stubborn to change—it’s all about how you approach it.

Please check out my other blog post on shifting your mindset HERE.

Want to learn more about quashing limiting beliefs? Check out these suggestions! 

“How to Identify and Overcome Limiting Beliefs” by Jay Shetty

In this video, Jay Shetty discusses the nature of limiting beliefs, how they hold us back, and practical steps to overcome them. It’s an inspiring talk that provides a deep dive into the mindset changes needed to break free from self-imposed limitations.

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck

This bestselling book by psychologist Carol Dweck explores the concept of a “fixed mindset” versus a “growth mindset.” It explains how our beliefs about our abilities can create barriers to success and provides strategies for shifting towards a growth mindset, where change and improvement are always possible.

Find the book on Amazon

“The Mindset Mentor” by Rob Dial

This podcast offers episodes dedicated to understanding and overcoming limiting beliefs. Rob Dial’s practical advice and motivational style help listeners recognize their mental blocks and transform their thinking patterns to unlock potential and achieve goals.

Listen to the podcast here:

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My mission in life is to empower dog mums with the right tools and knowledge so the can take their dogs from stressed and barking to calm and confident. With my unique method I will help you understand your dog better so you never have to feel frustrated or confused ever again.

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