Diet & Health

Risks with tick and flea medications and what to use instead


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Did you know that flea and tick products are associated with severe reactions in some dogs and cats, including epileptic seizures, behavioural problems, muscle/balance problems and even death.*

In one study, owners report that 2 out of 3 dogs have side effects from these agents!!!*

If you have used, or are using medications like these, I will never judge you. However, I want you to be aware of what can happen because there is a risk in putting these agents on our dogs.

The risks with tic and flea medicines

The active agent, which can be found in products such as BRAVECTO and others, is so powerful that it begins to kill ticks and fleas within two hours of administration. In the instructions, there are big warnings for those who administer, especially if you are pregnant or a child. A thought I’ve had for a long time is, why aren’t these agents used for humans??? The simple answer is because they are too dangerous for us, yet they are used for animals much smaller than us.

Studies have also proven that if there is a dog with tick repellents in the house, everyone in the family gets a shot of these poisons regularly, including the children. ***

“Yes, I understand, but when I use these I protect my dog ​​against the terrible tick diseases”…

This is a common way of thinking, but unfortunately it is not true.

Diseases carried by ticks are transferred to the dog immediately after a tick attaches itself. Although these agents are good at removing ticks, they are not 100% and every tick that settles carries a risk of disease. So, there are no way to prevent protection against the most common tick-borne diseases.

In addition to this, there is another study that shows that FRONTLINE causes behavioural changes in dogs that often seem restless and stressed after application. This drug interferes with the dog’s “feel good hormones” and stress response and some more behavioural side effects the drug has are: uncontrolled movements, hyperactivity, aggression, poor appetite and irritation. ****

When to use them

There are many natural remedies you can use instead, but even I understand that some of you have to give the stronger stuff to your dogs. I just want you to be aware of the risk to your dog and your family.

I only recommend giving tick repellents:

• If you live in an extremely tick-dense area

• If you have a dog that panics when you have to pick a tick

Also give tick repellents for as short a time as possible and use tablets rather than spot-on products or collars. Protect yourself and avoid children touching the dog in the weeks after application.

Natural alternatives

If you want to go natural, you can choose an amber necklace, flea tags or just simply check your dog regularly to remove any wandering tics. There’s also a tick collar you can do yourself that really helps: 

Put this in a bottle: 

10 drops lemon eucalyptus oil

10 drops geranium oil

5 drops lavender oil

5 drops cedar oil

Apply 5 drops to your dog’s collar or bandana before you go out. 

Detox for dogs on flea and tic medicines

The veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker has also put together a detox program that is given along with the tick remedy to help the dog’s body deal with the toxins:

Feel free to give all of these together, but if you can’t get them all, one is better than none:

• Milk thistle (helps the liver) 100mg per 4.5kg

• GABA (helps calm your dog’s nervous system) 50mg per 4.5kg

• NAC (detoxifies the liver) 100mg per 4.5kg

• Glutathione (binds toxins) 100mg per 4.5kg

A summary

Tick ​​repellents pose major health risks, and have even led to death in some cases.

It is not only the dog that is affected, but everyone in the family who touches the dog while they are being treated ingests a little of the poison every day.

If you absolutely must use tick repellents, preferably use tablets and give your dog a detox to minimize the toxins affecting them and the family.






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