Dog Behaviour

3 tips to make your dog LOVE their bed


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In all my courses I teach what I call a “chill out zone”. This is a place where your dog can relax and feel safe. Imagine your dog is scared of visitors. As soon as they step inside the door these visitors are invading your dog’s space. Your dog feels like they have to use their bark or bite to move the intruders away. This is not a fun situation for anyone.

Now imagine you are having visitors but instead your dog calmly relaxes in their own safe space, far away from the door. Your dog feels safe because no one will come too close and they can come out and say hi when you think your dog can handle it. 😇 This is what a bed can do for you… and SO much more.

So, let’s get to my 3 tips to help your dog love the bed.

👍 Give their daily food in the bed. You can use a snuffle mat, Kong, lick mat or simply just put the bowl in the bed for them to eat. This builds value and love for this space.

👍 Use it more often! Move it around to all the rooms you are in and feed your dog for staying in their bed.

👍 Give high value rewards when they choose to go to their bed on their own. This is a huge thing and it should be rewarded!

Simply put, more rewarding and more time in bed means your dog will love being there. If you want to see a video of this training in action, sign up for my mini-course here and I’ll send you the bed game and 4 more amazing games for free!

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My mission in life is to empower dog mums with the right tools and knowledge so the can take their dogs from stressed and barking to calm and confident. With my unique method I will help you understand your dog better so you never have to feel frustrated or confused ever again.

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