Mindset & Inspiration

Is my reactive dog ever going to have any friends?

do you worry about your reactive dog?

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Do you ever think…

Is my dog ever going to have any friends? Is my dog feeling ok? Is my dog happy? Will my dog hurt someone? Maybe my dog will have a better life with someone else? Why doesn’t my dog trust me?

Let’s shift the perspective!

I want you to know that you are AMAZING! That you are reading this post shows that you care about your dog, more than anyone else could right now. Your dog is lucky to have you and you are one the right path. Be proud of how far you have come and celebrate the achievement instead of dwelling on the failures.

Your dog will be ok without any dog friends, it’s your relationship he craves. Your dog will be happy because he does not know what he’s missing and being with you is all he wants. You are the best thing in your dog’s live. You are amazing and you are enough, and your dog agrees. ❤️

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My mission in life is to empower dog mums with the right tools and knowledge so the can take their dogs from stressed and barking to calm and confident. With my unique method I will help you understand your dog better so you never have to feel frustrated or confused ever again.

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